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tv   Americas News Headquarters  FOX News  May 20, 2012 12:00pm-2:00pm EDT

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of plotting to attack president obama's campaign headquarters. i'm shannon bream, live from washington. we begin with ed henry, traveling with the president, live in chicago. hi,ing ed. >> reporter: obviously, as you say, the city on high alert, already because of a terror threat, et cetera. but the president's got other major international security issues on his mind at this hour. he will be sitting down for a one on one with hamidkarzai of afghanistan, a critical too many in the relationship and the afghan mission, which has been frayed, part of the alliance has been frayed. but given the high-from file incidents like the unintentionally burning of the koran, some months ago, that enflamed the situation. there are a lotted of big issues on the table right now, as well as the fact that the new french president had a campaign promise
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that he would pull all of his troops out 2 years earlier than expected. a short while ago, the nato secretary general tried to downplay, saying, look, france will still be contributing to the mission, whether it's with supplies or other things, even if their troops are leaving 2 years before president obama and the allies want to see that. in addition to that tension, obviously, the other big issue, hanging over nato sumit and the g-8 summit yesterday at camp david, the european debt crisis is not just weighing down europe, it's weighing on the u.s. economy a bit. the president, to give you an idea of how intense the discussion was, we are told by an aide, the president was leading the discussion and it went an hour and 20 minutes longer than expected. then he had a surprise one on one with german chancellor. the significance there, obviously, she's been pushing for tough austerity measures to help europe dig out of the crisis.
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meanwhile, other leaders like the french president and president obama who have been saying you need a balance of more spending by the european nations to dig out of it. there are critics saying spending is what got europe into the crisis to begin with. >> all right, thanks so much, ed. >> reporter: good to see you. >> on the opening day of the summit, up on protesters say they are joining forces with an anti-war coal toyings join a massive demstraikz. and police say they are ready for it. steve brown has the latest on the ground. >> reporter: hey, there. it will be the biggest demonstration that is scheduled, during this week-long rampup to the nato summit. we do have business to take care of that happened overnight. there was an arrest, sebastian senna cab itch. he was arrested for terrorism, with plans to build 1 molotov cocktail and employ that a demonstration.
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no known connections to three others arrested on similar charges yesterday. overnight, there were arrests on a handful, with sporadic demonstration in the streets, which began in the financial district of the city of chicago and wound its way through the retail district as well. there is some chafing between protesters and the police. one of the large effort organizers protests leading up to this nato event said that the president needs to get the chicago police to stand down immediately, if he valuesh his re-election chance this is fall. it's a sign at a minimum that there is chafing amongst the demonstrators and the police. the largest demonstration will wind its way down to mccormick place, several miles from here t. doesn't quite get here, to the nato summit. but the hallmark or the highlight, if you will, of that event, when they reach that destination near mccormick,
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afghan u.s. military service mep with afghan status, served in afghanistan, will be discarded or throwing away their service ribbons and medals in protest of the current ongoing campaign in afghanistan. that's the story from here. >> thank you, steve. right now, the head of the iaea is on the way to iran for talks with officials tomorrow to get u.n. access to suspected weapon sites, days ahead of international nuclear talks scheduled for this week. iran's nuclear program will no doubt be a topic in the nato meetings. dr. jim walsh is here. thanks for giving us your time. >> good to be with you, shannon. >> what do you make of this visit with the iaea? >> i think we should be cautiously optimistic. the heads of an organization, whether it's the head of the international atomic energy agency or a president don't make a trip unless a deal has been worked out. so my guessing is that iran and
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the iaea have a tentative road map to go forward, a framework, a set of rules to allow the agency to inspect a military facility that they have concerns about and to do some other stuff that. sets the stage -- that's about the past, what iran did before, before 2003. that would sort of open the door for the negotiations you refer to this week, looking forward. what are we going to do about the enrichment program? one step leading to a second step. >> i want to get to the talks. but in the meantime, there is the nato gathering in chicago right now. 61 nations there. iran -- we would imagine is going to come up. what do you think will be the discussion there? any conclusions do you think that will be reached between the nato powers? >> yeah. it's a good question. we have had a lot of activity. this is foreign affairs week. we had the go g-8 meeting, p-5 plus 1, britain, france, russia were in that meeting n. nato, have you france, britain and the
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u.s., all part of a group, negotiating with iran. the main discussion is they are going to try to keep everything on the same page and have a unified message and share the information that they have. it's more about consolidating the position going into the talks than anything else. >> the talks set to resume on wednesday, following up on talks earlier this year. they won't include israel. but i want to read what benjamin netanyahu has had to say, obviously very concerned about the nuclear threat from iran. from "time" magazine, he says it could be the first time we have a nuclear player who won't play by the rules. all the previous powers have been careful. this is the greatest threat not just to israel and the middle-east, but to civilization. you don't know how they will behave. is he overstating the threat? >> yeah, i think so. he is a good politician, but not a good nuclear historian. israel lie to the president of the united states about their nuclear weapons and they set up
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a fake nuclear control room to fool the inspectors. obviously, north korea cheated and lied. iraq cheated and lied. china was really out there. pakistan is a country that i worry about in terms of following nuclear rules. so iran is a concern. i don't think we should underplay it, but on a scale of nuclear bad boy, i don't think iran has the same challenge that pakistan and some of the other countries did over the course of a nuclear age. >> we will tell with time. we will watch wednesday as that meeting reconvenes with the talks in baghdad. dr. jim walsh. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> the only person ever convict in the lockerbie bombing has died. family members of 270 victims were outraged when abdel basset al-megrahi was released from prison nearly 3 years ago. this was on so-called humanitarian grounds. he died in his home, where he was battling cancer. steve centanni has the latest. >> reporter: this is the
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latest chapter in a very long story of tragedy, heartache and suffering of the families of those killed in pan am flight 103. abdel basset al-megrahi's brother confirming the news, along with others in tripoli. abdel basset al-megrahi was diagnosed with terminal prostate canckener 2009, when he was released released from jail, only to receive a hero's welcome at home in libya, causing outrage from frustration for the family's victims. tom ammerman was 36 years old when he died. and his brother, bert, talked with fox news this morning. >> no, justice hasn't been served completely. today, i am pleased with his death. if this was 2 years ago and -- and qaddafi had not been overthrown and killed, i would be very angry today. but the day that qaddafi got killed last year, he was the big fish. that day, abdel basset al-megrahi became a small fry. >> reporter: pan am flight 103
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went down in december of 1988, killing everyone on board and 11 people on the ground in lockerbie, scotland, in one of the deadliest terror attacks in modern history. the passengers were american, many of them college student, heading home for christmas. ka muammar al-qaddafi handed over abdel basset al-megrahi for trial. he was convicted. but two co-defendants were acquitted. qaddafi admitted responsibility but not guilt. and the families received $2.7 billion in compensation. the national transitional council, which rules libya, has said it would work with the scottish government over the possible involvement of others in the attack. abdel basset al-megrahi was 60 years old. >> there has been plenty of controversy. for some, this will close a partial chapter. >> reporter: partially. >> thank you, steve. [cheering] >> after weeks of uncertainty and years of imprisonment in china, blind activist chen
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guangcheng has arrived in the u.s. he sought refuge in the embass nebeijing. he has been jailed and under house arrest for protesting forced abortions in china. he will study law at nyu, but the fight is not over. >> we should raise our arms to continue to fight injustice in the world. >> congressman chris smith from the house foreign affairs committee has pushed for chen's release for a long time. he was there when the chinese dissident arrived in the u.s. and has been speaking out for the safety of his family and friends in china who are on lockdown by authorities. congressman smith is live. >> thank you very much. >> how relieved were you to see mr. chen last night? >> it was amazing. i had about 10 minutes or so with him.
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it was energizing. it was emotional. above all tmade me feel that we need to redouble our efforts for his family, who have been beaten, who are still in china, of course. he did, again, say defend the women from this cruelty of forced abortion, which is widespread throughout china. >> it is certainly the top that i can has gotten him in the most trouble in china. i understand his wife and children are with him. but you mention those who have been left behind. how worried are you about fellow activists, other family members in china? >> very, very much. as a matter of fact, these chens are free, but the other chens are not safe. they are not free. his nephew has been beaten. he has been arrested and is being held on trumped-up charges. his brother has been beaten. one of the lawyers that i had at a hearing in 2009 who talked about the rule of law or the lack of it and forced abortions.
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he defended chen in '05, while he was making his way to the hospital, a bunch of thug, chinese police, beat him so badly, he has probably lost hearing. chen is deeply concerned about his friends, as well as his family, the other chens who are now suffering retaliation by the chinese government. >> you have been working on this case for years. we have had discussions about whether or not china -- it works to call them out publicly. it seem there is has been such an international spotlight, there may have been no other choice but to let mr. chen and his familiarly here. but others say that it will make tougher for the u.s. and the international community to help others. what's your take? >> chen is the crackdown is ongoing, pervasive. torture is so pervasive -- any religious or political dissident
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will be tortured to get a confession and at some point, almost everyone breaks and to cough up new names to be repressed. this is a dictatorship. the contempt that they present to the world needs to be shattered. the myth needs to be laid aside and the reality of what happens every day from a human rights abuse pointed of view needs to be front and center. you can defend or allow them to -- to -- you know, we will cripple ourselves in trying to advocate for the democracy advocates, if we allow that to prevail. what about the face or the faces of the men and women who are bloodied by this dictatorship? i think we have allowed that concept and i understand it completely, to chill our efforts, rebust efforts on human rights. the people who -- like chen -- he didn't worry about whether or
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not the government liked what he was doing, he did it to defend the women from this barbaric cruelty of forced abortion and he chronicled 7,000 individual cases and wanted to bring a class-action suit. they came down with an iron fist and for 51 months, cruelly mistreated him and the house arrest that followed. he didn't worry about saving face. he felt he had to speak truth and power. >> we know your work and mr. chen's work is far from over. thank you for taking a break with us. >> thank you very much. >> four people have been killed in an earthquake in northern italy. the 6.0 earthquake -- knocked down historic building. given the scale of the quake, one of the strongest to hit the region, the damage could have been much worse. the last earthquake of this magnitude occurred in the 14th century. gay marriage is not illegal in the state of maryland, but same-sex divorce is.
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tomorrow is day 2 for jury dplxz the john edwards corruption trial. jurors have asked for 8 exhibits and all the notes from a wealthy heiress that gave a lot of cash in this case. what might the jurors be thinking? we will ask two top legal eagles, next. [ male announcer ] this is coach parker... whose non-stop day starts with back pain... and a choice. take advil no and maybe up to four in a day. or choose aleve and two pills for a day free of pain. way to go, coach. ♪ you know that comes with a private island? really? no. it comes with a hat. see, airline credit cards promise flights for 25,000 miles, but... [ man ] there's never any seats for 25,000 miles.
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>> who has the better vision for getting america back on track? growing the economy? what system works? entrepreneurial capitalism and limited government? or the system of high taxes, high regulations and crony capitalism? >> massachusetts was doing almost the worst in all the states in terms of job creation. you saw jobs growing because government jobs were rising 6 times faster than the national rate in massachusetts. >> president obama or governor romney, representatives for each sounded off on fox news sunday about spurting job growth. i sat down with chris wallace for a preview. this morning, a debate that was the at times very spirited about the economic policies of the current administration and the mon -- man who would like to take his place, mitt romney.
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>> i thought it was fascinating. pale ryan, maybe the leading force of the republican party on economic issues. and not as well known, but a very interesting and thoughtful guy, the former chairman of president obama's council of economic advisers. it is just exactly what you are thinking. they have two completely different visions as their candidates they support do, about the direction the country should go in. obama goolsbee, talking about targeted spending and romney/ryan saying, let's get government out of the way -- lower taxes, lower spending, lower regulation. let's let the private sector pick what succeeds and sfails. >> there is a lot of discussion about campaign ads. the ad is that looks at bane capital and a steel mill closing
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down and how they lost jobs and lives were devastated. you debated that as well because there is a discussion about whether or not mitt romney was at the helm when that happened. >> there is notice doubt about it. the fact is, when it went bankrupt in tent -- 2001, mitt romney was working at the olympics. but there is a bigger issue and that's what the obama campaign was saying, which is that they said that mitt romney is interested in creating wealth for his investors, not creating jobs. and that's one of the questions i asked austin goolsbee, telling me a ceo in this country whose main job isn't creating wealth for investors. you can argue that bane capital, where they involved in plundering companies? i am not sure that the record shows that because they put tens of millions of dollars into the steel plant. it isn't like they were just trying to rape the company. but this is what the obama campaign is going to try to do. romney is saying, i could the
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economy, obama doesn't. they are going to try to say, let's look at hahe was doing with bane capital. >> i have to talk about the power player this week. you yourself, after killing it on jeopardy could have been your own power play ther week. very impressive. high five. you represented us, very, very well. but you have a very interesting power player, somebody that a lot of folks wonder what she has been up to. >> well, did you know she lived in washington? >> i did not. >> michelle kwan, the most dedecorated figure skatener american history, five world championship, nine national championships, silver and bronze in the olympics -- i was disappointed. she has been living in washington for a year. she is a public diplomacy envoy for the state department. she works in the president's counc oil fitness. she is involved with the special olympics. i think she might get into politics. i have to say, what would michelle kwan be like? she is the niecessest, most natural, sweetest, most
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unaffected inspiring -- 31 years old. if i was going to put money into a growth stock twould be michelle kwan. >> thankses for the preview. catch the interview with congressman paul ryan and austin goolsbee and michelle kwan. house speakerrer john boehner insists all options on the table in the fast & furious investigation. he has sent eric holder a letter, dimannedding that he comply with the subpoena. that means that hoilder could be held in contempt of congress, if he fails to comply. nancy pelosi appeared on the same show, dismissing the threat, but urging holder to hand over the paperwork that he can. day 2 of jury deliberations in the john edwards corruption trial begins tomorrow. his case focuses on two words -- knowingly, willfully. fire officials say this could be one of the worst years yet.
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fires have broken out in four western statesful the latest on those, next. most life insurance companies look at you and just see a policy. at aviva, we do things differently. we're bringing humanity back to life insurance. that's why only aviva rewards you with savings for getting a check-up.
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>> this is a fox news alert. according to sources in yemen, an instructor from the u.s., maybe military, maybe not, has been shot and wounded. two other strowktor -- instructors, traveling in the same car were not hurt. we are trying to get more details on the kind of personnel that this instructor may have been. but we understand that the instructor was from the u.s. we will try to get you updates as soon as we get you. one shot and seriously injured in yemen. as the nato summit open, protesters are promising that today's march will be the biggest yet. three have been arrested and facing terrorism-related thank charges for plotting to damage president obama's campaign headquarters.
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peter doocy has your top stories. >> reporter: thousands of demonstrators are gearing up for a march from downtown to the convention center, where president obama and world leaders are meeting. yesterday, several hundred protesters took to the streets, largely peaceful. but 18 were arrested and a fourth man has been arrested on terrorism-related charges, connected to the summit. the u.n.'s nuclear chief is flying to terrain, hoping to secure a deal to allow inspectors to resume a long-stalled search for evidence that iran is trying to develop a nuclear bomb. the visit comes days before the next round of talks between world powers and iran, over its nuclear program. nearly 3 years after he was released from a scottish prison, the former libyan intelligence officer, convict in the lockerbie bombing has died, according to his brother, abdel basset al-megrahi was 60. he had prostate cancer. 270 people were kill in the the 1988 bombing of the pan am
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flight. with the weather, helping crews in colorado to get control of the wildfire. officials say it's 85% contained. the west has been hit hard this fire season with blazes in arizona and several other states. those are the top stories right now. back to you. thank you very much. tomorrow, jurors begin day 2 of deliberations in the john edwards corruption trial. he is charged with six felony count, accusedded of using nearly a million dollars from wealthy donors to cover up an affair with his pregnant mistress, rielle hunter. jure oners have to decide if he knowingly and willfully broke campaign law. we have a defense attorney and a former federal prosecutor here. thank you for joining us. >> thank you. >> thank, shannon. >> jennifer, i want to start with you. a lot of folks see the trial of roger clemens here and they say, it's a waste of government time
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and money to be trying folks -- they are trying to make examples out of them. is that what's happening with john edwards? >> i believe that's what is happening. i dont believe this case should have gone to a jury. what is compelling is that the federal election commission looked at that and determined that wards did not violate election campaign laws that. means that if this jury convicts edwards, what they are saying is that the agency that is responsible for administering the laws and enforcing them doesn't understand or can't interpret their own laws. they are saying 12 laypeople know better than the federal election commission. so it's my position that this never should have gone to a jury in the first place and the government's case has been very slim. >> the government not only has the right to try this, those juror, but john edwards could be facing a lot of time in jail. >> eric. >> right. 30 years.
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he could be forced to pay restitution of over a million dollars. these are serious counts. i respectfully disagree with jennifer. the reality is whether this is to make an example or not, he broke the law, according to prosecutors. they believe they can prove the case and the government is pressing charges. if he is convicted, he will have to pay the penalties associated with that. >> all right, andrew youngs is a key player, a former aide, testifying against john edwards. he has immunity. at one point, he was claiming the so-called love child between john edwards and rielle hunter was his own child. he was handling the money that was going back and forth here. jennifer, how important will his testimony be because there had been some inconsistencies from hem on the stand? >> some inconsistencies! my goodness. he's a constant inconsistent witness. the government's case hinges on his testimony. what we do know -- it's
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undisputed -- he took the lion's share of that money to enrich himself. only $191,000 went to hunt -- rielle hunter from this money from bunny mellon. this is the government witness who the jury is expected to rely on to determine that john edwards knowingly, willfully took campaign contributions. i do not believe this witness has advanced the government's cause. he is too incredible and has all types of incentive and bias and motive to lie, quite honestly. >> how bad will andrew young be for the government? >> andrew young is bad for the government because he is immune. so it looks like he's paid for his testimony. the reality of the situation is, though, he was in edwards' camp. he was behind the scenes, he is the guy who helped a lot of this be put into place. so the question is whether or
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not the jury believes edwards or young. and both of them are liars. edwards stood to gain something. young said that edwards knew and was trying to get someone who believed in to be president of the united states. >> all right. i want to ask you quickly the same question: what is the percentage chance you think that john edwards is convicted on any of these counts? jennifer? >> i think it's 25% chance. that's where i am. >> i think it's 85% they are going to make an example of him. he is going to be quicked on lower charges. he won't spend anywhere near 30 years. but he will spend some time. >> day 2 of deliberations tomorrow. we will see who is right about the predictions. thank you very much. >> thanks, shannon. >> this week, when the house passed a defense bill on the way to the senate, it included an amendment it would badge same-sex marriages on any military-owned facility. no word what the senate may do
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about that. but we want to know what you think -- should the u.s. military be required to allow same-sex couples to marry in chapels on military bases? tweet us your answers. we love to hear your opinions and we will read some of your responses later on in the show. even though maryland doesn't allow same-sex marriage, it will allow same-sex divorce. okay. the state's highest court ruled that same-sex couple who is marry in other states can get divorced in maryland. a gay couple who got married in california in tent 08, filed for divorce in maryland. one of the women and her lawyers say they are relieved with the court's decision. >> the impact of this decision is incredible. it affects family law, the state, all kinds of rights that married couples have. >> i can be thankful that maryland, the state i live and work in and move property in is
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moving in the right direction. >> same-sex weddings and marriages are set to start in the state in january. however, supporters of traditional marriage are in the process of collecting enough signatures to put this issue on the ballot in maryland in november. the house is considering a controversial bill to ban abortions after 20 weeks, in the nation's capitol. things got pretty heated when congressman frank, who is authoring the bill, refused to let another representative speak. she is here. he will be too and they will face off. a storm chaser captures incredible video of a tornado in kansas. we will tell you what happened when the storm moved through. wake up! that's good morning, veggie style. hmmm. fohalf the calories plus vgie nutrition.
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discover your cat's true nature. managing my diabetes ibetween takingife, insulin and testing my blood sugar. is this part of your life? freestyle lite test strips? they need just a third the blood of onetouch ultra. wow! and the unique zipwik tab targets the blood and pulls it in. so testing is easy. and you can save on these strips monthly simply by joining the freestyle promise program. so saving is easy too. yep, just call or click and join for free. test easy. >> get ready for the ring of fire, an extremely rare solar eclipt clips set to happen tonight. the moon will cover the entire
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surface of the sun, leading to a bright circle of light. the last time we saw an eclipse like this was 1994. californians are supposed to have the best view at 6:30 pacific time. wildfires are burning in four states out west. but in colorado, low temperatures and rain have helped firefighters contain 90% of a fire that at one time took more than 500 firefighters on the front line. high winds have subsided in arizona, as well, but a fire 85 miles north of phoenix is only 10% contained. almost all of us have a few budget leak, whether it's careless spending or petty indulgences that build up over time. but when the government does it, it adds up to big waste for you and me, the taxpayers. we have asked brenda buttner to find out where your money is being wasted. >> hey, shannon.
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well, you already know uncle sam is good at getting into your paychecks, but what about taking your money and wasting it? when it comes to federal job training, he is working hard at that. a new study suggests job training programs take waste to a whole new level. some partic panteds train for jobs that don't exist. others pay for courses in jobs they already have. some funds spent on a contractor who bought videogames. and in one state, workforce agency employees took more than 100 gambling trips to casinos -- in work hours mp the study commissioned by tom coburn raises a lot of questions about your cash being spent on federal job training. and it is no small chunk of change. $18 billion annually invested in the jobs training programs. but the gao reports that since 2004, only 5 of 47 programs
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looked at whether participants gots a job, and concludes that little is known about the effectiveness of most programs. after this study, we know a lot more, namely, your money at waste. another waste -- what about the suggested fat tax. no i am not mispronouncing it. fat, f-a-t. a british medical journal shows that 6 in 10 americans are overweight. one idea for fighting that trend, a tax on unhealthy food and drinks. that's what we need -- more taxes? 20% here. so the skinny on the price of a cheeseburger, $4, would be an extra 80 cents. come on, doesn't the government reach into our wallets enough? it wants into our refrigerators. could be hard to swallow, as most of us are trying just to get by. shannon, back to you. >> yes, we are. brenda buttner, thank you very much. >> thank you. >> the first named tropical storm of 2012 is drifting off
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the coast of south carolina. where is alberto headd? we will check in, next. >> people have doubts about taking aspirin for pain. but they haven't experienced extra strength bayer advanced aspirin. in fact, in a recent survey, 95% of people who tried it agreed that it relieved their headache fast. visit today for a special trial offer.
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>> lap dance, extortion, bribery and corrupt officials? ahead in the next hour, it is not a made-for-tv movie script.
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that's what is reportedly going on in one new mexico town. we look interest a town with no mayor and an election riddled with scandal. the fight to fill gabrielle giffords' seat is making national headlines. a tea party republican narrowly lost to givards 2 years ago. the house considers a bill to ban abortions after 20 weeks. one official was mad she couldn't speak. we will talk to her and the chairman who barred her from having any say. a storm chasener kansas caught this video of a tornado in harper county, yesterday. several other tornadoes touched down but they were weaker and short lived. the wichita eagle reports there is no injuries but there is major structural damage. from tornados to tropical
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storms, severe weather season is here. the first named storm of 2012 is drifting off the coast of south carolina. hi, rick. >> hey, shannon. we had one in the pacific last week. now we have the first one in the atlantic hurricane season, just formed yesterday. we are about 12 or 11 days before the official start of the atlantic hurricane season. this is it. it is not that impressive. it it get a name. there is a closed center of circulation here, heading to the south of charleston. you can see the scattered clouds here and a few light showers in south carolina and georgia. we are not expecting a big problem from this storm. it is going to pull off to the northeast and it will stay away from land. as such, it's a weak storm at this point that it is not going to cause big problems. winds at 45 miles per hour and tell weak tone 40 miles per hour. even the rainfall won't be that much. we will see a few areas that see a quarter inch, half an inch of
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rain over the next couple of days. the first named storm will be out of here without any major problems. one other story, real quick, a threat today for severe weather in wisconsin, illinois and areas of indiana. we are not talking about a big tornado day. but we will see some hail and strong winds. and the temperatures behind it are going to cool down by 20 degree, which the folks in chicago, pushing 90, might be happy to hear. >> they certainly might. thank you, rick, for the update. >> you bet. >> they earned their college degrees and say they want to make their mark in the world. but not so fast. young students faik facing an uncertain future because they are here in the u.s., illegally. their stories and what happens to them, next. [ male announcer ] what's in your energy drink? ♪ wer surge, let it blow your mind. [ male announcer ] for fruits, veggies and natural green tea energy... new v8 v-fusion plus energy.
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could've had a v8.
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>> shannon: final exams may be the least of some college students wore areries. after graduation they face a bigger obstacle. ironing out status as illegal immigrants. noelle newton has more. >> while most upcoming grads are resting for the big day, these ut students dressed in caps and gowns to fight for their uncertain future. they are in the country illegally yet overcame all odds and got their degrees. >> i engarage everyone to keep
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fighting. >> she has three majors. she will not be able to get a job despite her 3.3 average. >> but i'm not able to. i'm not able to because of my status. >> her parents abandoned her in guatamela at 7 and she was kidnapped and spent some of her high school years homeless. >> sometimes i need a mom. >> daniel's mom brought him from mexico when was 12. >> she said that is the university of texas the bastard in the city of texas. i told her one day i'm going to go there. >> he wants to teach middle coolers but his application for legal it is a to us will take 12 more years. >> i'm on the edge of the cliff and i don't know. my future is unresolved. i don't know what i'm going to do. >> they are counting on the pass and of the dream act or development relief and
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education for alien minors. in passed, they would get a six year long conditional path to citizenship that requires completion of a college degree or two years of military service. >> we want to feel compassion and that is the right reaction is to feel compassion and feel for these people. >> young conservatives of texas member tony mcdonough will get his diploma this weekend. he does not support limited citizenship. >> it provides incentive for more people to come here illegally and lets people get off the hook for their criminal act. >> shannon: in 2010 there were an estimated 16,000 illegal immigrants enrolled in u.s. colleges. against a back drop of protests and alleged terror plots the nato summit gets underway in chicago as world leaders try to hammer out an exit strategy for the war and
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how to pay for it. france says it is getting out early. the diplomat ictusle between beijing and washington is over for now. the chinese activist is beginning his new life and american soil but what becomes of the family and friends he was forced to leave behind in china. you think national elections can get down and dirty? you will not believe what is going on in a mayor's race in new mexico. i'm shannon bream. america's news headquarters live from the nation's capital continues now. all eyes on chicago as the two day nato summit gets underway. word that the u.s. and fay tow leaders are insisting the afghanistan fighting coalition will remain intact despite france's plan to take troops out early. world leaders trying to figure out how to foot the bill for long-term security there.
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president obama set to meet with the afghan president today to discuss planning for the country's 2014 elections and prospect of a political settlement with the taliban. chicago police are bracing for thousands of protesters planning to march from grant park to the convention center where the nato summit is being held. it is billed as the biggest demonstration yet and police arrest two more men in what they are saying are terror related charges. mike tobin is live in chicago with the late nest jusest in j. the head of the iaea is on his way to iran for talks tomorrow. the hope is to get access to weapons sites is just days ahead of international nuclear talks scheduled for later this week. iran's nuclear program will no doubt be a focus of nato meetings this week along with the war in afghanistan. the only person nvicted in the lockerbee coming has died. family members were outraged
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when was released from prison nearly three years ago on so called humanitarian grounds. he has insisted he had nothing to do with the bombing. he was jailed in 2001 but released and allowed to return home in 2009. he was suffering from prostate cancer and died at his home. after weeks of uncertainty and years of imprisonment in china, chi northeast afctiveist chong is starting over in the u.s. >> he arrives in new york city after what he describes as 7 years with house arrest. he is at this hour in the building behind me an nyu stew you dent and faculty dorm. we have not seen hip today and we do not expect to. he arrived yesterday with his wife and two kids aboard a flight from beijing. it was a 13 hour flight. the trip followed high level negotiations between u.s. and chinese officials. he is a self-taught lawyer who
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was sent to prison in china in 2006 after he led a campaign to stop forced late term abortions and sterilizations. recently he sought and received refuge at the u.s. embassy in beijing. days ago he was treated for a broken foot at a hospital and that is when tee he sided he wanted to go to the u.s. to study law. following days of intense negotiations chinese officials allowed him to leave the country. congressman chris smith and who met with chen last night when arrived in the united states says chen's extended family left behind remains at danger. >> these chens are free but the other chens are not safe and they are not free. his nephew has been beaten. he has been arrested and is being held on trumped up charges. his brother has been beaten. >> the charges the congressman refers to chen's nephew has
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been charged with attempted murder. this resulting from some type of a conflict with chinese police. also left behind, chen's mother. according to a a former chinese dissident now living in the united states, it is possible the chinese government will try and use whatever leverage they can against the family left behind and to what extent chen is going to be reluctant to speak out publicly remains unclear. as i said, at this hour he remains in the building behind me. he plans later this year to attend nyu law school. shannon? >> david lee miller with the latest. thank you. take you back now to chicago where police are bracing for thousands of nato protesters. mike tobin is standing by with the latest developments there. hi, mike. >> hi, shannon. a look at mccormick place where the nato summit is going to take place. on the roof top of a couple of the spotter there's as part of the security effort. as you all out from the roof top you can see the concrete barriers in place part of a
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massive security detail. a lot of tension between the police and protesters as we get set for what should be the biggest day of demonstrations out here. we seen little conflicts between the police and protesters. one demonstrator got out of a police van trying to accelerate out of an angry mob. that individual claims that he was injured. we have seen the police using batons to shove the protesters. they have had the batons out and actually struck the demonstrators. a little more than a dozen arrests of the demonstrator out on the street. five arrests serious and the charges relate to terrorism. we had one individual from the northwest side charged with others with charges related to the manufacturing of molotov cocktails. the demonstrators will come out here and march along, michigan avenue. one of the organizers of occupy chicago says the idea is to keep the world's attention focused on nato when in fact the opposite happens. all of the attention starts
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focusing on the anarchists who get out here on the street and form up protest stew. seem whales the please technique is with the kids if you are young and angry and want to march get out on the street and walk it off. they had the kids walking around in circles in the business district until they got tired and the demonstrators went back to whereever it is they are sleeping. the police presence up close to the demonstration with light equipment. the police on the bicycles trying to direct the traffic of the marchers. further back the police with the heavy riot gea year in the event they are needed they can be called in quickly, shannon. >> shannon: a delicate detailed operation. thanks for giving us a look. >> my mother and father dreamed as much as any rich guy dreams. >> absolutely.
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>> they don't get it. they don't get who we are. >> shannon: that was vice president joe biden in ohio on wednesday lashing out at republicans accusing them of misrepresenting democrats. so how does the vice presidential running mate impact the tone of the campaign and what kind of contender will governor romney choose to represent him out on the trail? joining us to hash it out, republican barbara comestock of the virginia house of delegates and tony welsh, former spokesperson for the dnc. >> shannon: passion ate out there. can biden be a plus and minus at the same time? >> i think he is a big plus to the campaign. every gaffe and mistake will get people second guessing, things along those lines and start this, he can hardly speak, he always messes up, mistake prone, gaffe prone, that kind of thing. >> you might expect that barack obama and joe biden might be
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off step once or twice. one will say something that the other hasn't quit endorsed. what is expected. mitt romney can do that with himself. he says whatever it was i said, i can't remember but i'm sure i will stick with it. which was kind of surprising. >> shannon: he is saying that he will stand by whatever he said. we will let him iron that out. on the topic of vice presidential running mates and folks out there it seems that the vice president may have realized himself he got heated up in ohio. the next day he said i do want to share the same ideas and i will do it more calmly today. what do you link? >> god love him. as joe biden would say he is the gift that keeps on giving. when you look at the contrast you will see someone in barack obama in over his h head. a younger guy with not a lot of experience in over his head and p latched to this goofy old uncle prone to say crazy things and where do yo do you want tom
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out. on mitt romney they will see a senior leader. and we have a great group of young up and coming leaders who are the future of the party who are going to be the vice presidential people you will be hearing about whether it is paul ryan or marco rubio, chris christie. virginia's bob mcdonald. you will see the future face of the party and on the democrat you see the past, old, tired and a little goofy looking. >> shannon: with that comes a lot of experience and joe biden is respected by a lot of folks for the experience he brings to the role as vice president. the young up and comers very attractive to many within the republican party. would they be a good matchup in a one on one debate against biden. >> joe biden is a couple of years older than mitt romney. kind of interesting that you talk about old. >> no private sector
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experience, though. >> and if you compare that, i think we would leave that to mitt romney. >> that is a whole another issue. >> we don't need somebody interesting in just running companies. if mitt romney is going to look at this as obama did for instance, what will i address. so president obama or candidate obama said i will address foreign affairs and that kind of experience. and that was the reason for the pick. with mitt romney what would he want to address in this? will he want to address a gap between women voters or latino voters or military experience or foreign policy experience. that will play out somehow. or will he say can we get teabody to energize the tee party and does that person exist in one person. i don't think it does. i think that is one of the questions. then the idea we need to pick somebody who won't outsunshine mitt romney. that is a difficult task because most do.
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>> shannon: i think you might want to take on the comment about how mitt romney is destroying companys. >> mitt romney has a great experience in the private sector and on jobs and that is what he will be focused on and he will have somebody in a vice presidential partner focused on seriously dealing with how do we get the economy working again. our growth agenda, not the kind of austerity things in europe where they raise taxes and then you have everything crashing and burning. we want to have a growth agenda which he knows how to do and you look at the up and comers these are experienced seasoned people doing jobs in the states or on the budget. look at someone like paul ryan you saw on tv a lot this morning talking in a very grownup way about the budget. when you have a president who for three years hasn't passed a budget and when they try to pass it every single person in congress rejects it. not one vote by democrats for that budget. we need grownups to deal with the fiscal problems.
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focus on jobs is number one and get the economy moving again. >> shannon: we have to leave it there. great to see you both. >> good to see you. >> shannon: there is perhaps no other u.s. town like sunland park mid michigan. no mayor. the mayor elect sitting in jail and now charges of illegal 15ing have result in 15 ross prosecutions with more expected. we understand the state is considering taking over the city? >> the state official its don't want to take over the city but they are now supervising its finances after an 82-page report found widespread mismanagement of hundreds of thousands of dollars of taxpayer money. among thal gibbs. city money allegedly paying for prostitutes. this amid a growing voter fraud investigation after the losing candidate for mayor claimed the election was stolen. >> the people started to tell me that every time there were elections in sunland park there
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was a lot of cheating, fraud. >> the people of sunland park, new mexico are fed up. their mayor elect daniel salinas and almost a dozen others are charged in a widespread scheme to steal the march election. >> was the election stolen from you? >> yes. absolutely. it was. >> and how did they do that? >> by mckinley nip lating the absentee and the early voting. >> hernandez lost to salinas by 84 votes and it is a wonder he even stayed in the race. they are also accused of extortion for allegedly using city money to secretly tape hernandez getting a lap dance from a topless woman hoping it would force him to drop out. >> did your client try to steal the election? >> the people made a decision. the people voted. he didn't steal the election. he won the election. >> prosecutors say they stuffed the ballot box with illegal votes even from out-of-state
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residents. 13 registered at this one house of a city official. >> when you said you live in texas she said it is no problem. >> no problem. >> that you could vote in sunland park anyway. >> she said no problem. >> they don't even live in sunland park, new mexico but say they were registered by a city official to vote there anyway. >> the fundamental right to vote i mean that is what our democracy is based on and so even you take away one vote by it being illegal you take away the voice of someone that is there and is voting honestly. >> but arturo who came to this country in 1974 to pursue the american dream says he is so disillusioned by the alleged voter fraud that he no longer wants to cast his ballot. >> we don't want to no more, no where. >> but the estradas, the couple who lived in texas around told me they voted in sunland park, new mexico. they say a city official told them to vote for daniel salinas. salinas back in court tomorrow
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and he will again plead not guilty. this the fourth case against him. if you suspect voter fraud know you live we want to foe about it. voter fraud @ fox news .com is our address. >> shannon: that is fascinating. you can't make this stuff up. we look forward to seeing more. his special tonight, fox news reporting stealing your vote is a one hour investigation into voter fraud allegations all athe country. eric answers questions like did illegal votes by felons actually tip the balance of the u.s. senate and how safe is the ballot box. catch that special. you do not want to miss it, 9:00 eastern right here on the fox news channel. well, this is only one house race going on in the country right now. it is a special election to fill the seat of former arizona congress woman gabrielle giffords. looking to test out party messages before the fall. the race pits democrat ron
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barber against republican jesse kelly. later we will is talk to a spokesman from ba barber's campaign. joining us now is jesse kelly. you had a close race with the congress woman a couple of years ago. what do you think will make the difference in the margin of victory for you if you capture the seat? >> the message will stay the same last time and this time. lower taxes and getting regulations out of the way. about using american energy to get not only the people back to work but to lower gas prices and a reduce the deficit in the nation. we want to get the government out of the way so the american people can prosper again. >> shannon: what do you make of the fact that outsiders, big groups based in washington many of them and outside of the state of arizona as is common in many house races across the country but right now the fact that so much outside money and energy is pouring into the race as folks do look to see what it tells them about the fall?
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>> well, it should tell you all you need to know about the importance of the race. when we hear about all this outside money and we see it here locally, what we -- it confirm hass we know that is that this race will be used as a launching pad for whichever presidential candidate's party wins. if the democrats win this president obama will champion this and attempt to spike the football again even with his failed policies for jobs. and if the republican party can win this, if i can win this race it will be used as great boost for mitt romney to hopefully be our next president. >> shannon: railroad with you -- where are you on the arizona controversial immigration law? it is before the supreme court and we are awaiting a decision. >> i'm a supporter. i'm shocked it has become to controversial to ask for a driver's license. i thought that was standard in this nation. >> shannon: you referred to medicare and social security as
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ponzi schemes. would you like to clarify? >> we said we will protect the benefits that seniors have earned while giving future generations choices. we always talked about choices. i think the next generation my two young sons deserve to have choices. they don't deserve to be force inside a government system that is going bankrupt. >> shannon: we will be watching as the rest of the country many likely will, folks across the u.s. june 12 special election we will see who fills the seat once held by gabbie giffords. >> we will have the other side of the campaign in just a few minutes. the first named storm of the atlanta hurricane season is churning off the coast of south carolina. rick reichmuth is tracking it. a fight over not one but two hot button issues. abortion and the district of columbia representation or lack thereof in congress.
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a fair and balanced debate between the two representatives in the middle of it all, coming up. so who ordered the cereal that can help lower olesterol and who ordered the yummy cereal? yummy. [ woman ] lower cholesterol. [ man 2 ] yummy. i got that wrong didn't i? [ male announcer ] want great taste and whole gin oats that can help lower cholesterol? honey nut cheerios.
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i'm meteorologist rick reichmuth. we have our first named storm
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of the atlantic tropical season 2012. alberto right here. it will be a minor storm which is good news since it formed close to the carolina coastline. not a lot of moisture associated with it. small storm that will continue to bring scattered showers across the georgia and south carolina coastlines for the afternoon and into tomorrow. likely going to weaken. winds already weakened down to 45 miles an hour sustained and will continue to weaken by tomorrow afternoon pulling off towards the northeast and likely not having any major impact across any land mass which is great news. in fact, any kind of rainfall totals light. we might see a quarter inch to half inch of rain falling over the next couple of days here across area of the outer banks. any continued developments with the storm we will continue to track right here in the fox weather center. >> shannon: returning to the special election to fill the seat of former congress woman gabrielle giffords out in arizona. we have been telling you it as race getting a lot of national
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attention and money. moments ago we he spoke to the republican candidate in the race. joining us ron mccloud who is the campaign spokesman for the democratic candidate. thank you for joining us today. >> thanks for having me. >> i want to start by asking you, mr. barber was injured in the attack that injured congress woman giffords and killed is severaller whos. how is he doing? >> he is doing great. it is not impacting his ability whatsoever. ron is a super resilient guy. when the campaign started he had to use it cane but doesn't use it any more. he sass the same toughness and resilience as arizona. >> why is he a better bet? >> ron barber is a southern arizona original. he he ran a business with his wife, a family business in tucson for 22 years. he really understands how the southern arizona economy ticks. he was also as the district
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director for congress woman giffords he worked closely with the military installations. he understands how the military installations impact the local economy. when you compare him to mr. kelly, i heard mr. kelly on your slo show. i don't think the word arizona came out of h his mouth. he spent a lot of time recently living in texas. >> shannon: let me ask you about a national ad that has come out attacking mr. barber saying he would be a rubber stamp on president obama and on nancy pelosi and policies in washington and criticizing the policies. it said in the ad that he supported what they term obama care or the president's healthcare law and i understand in a debate there in arizona within the last few days when was pressed on whether or not he would have voted for the healthcare law he said he he couldn't address something that was a hyponet cal situation.
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that is a top issue that he would have had to cast a vote on. why not commit on that issue. >> he is clear and committed on what he will support or what he won't support. they are not going to put him in a time machine and go back and vote in 2010. moving forward, ron barber put out a specific list of changes he wants to see in the law. for instance, ways to reduce costs for seniors on prescription medicines that they use at the veteran's administration but don't use in medicare. he has been clear about what parts of the law he is supports and what parts of the law he would change and work to get rid of. it is really important when people run for office they say specifically what they would do and that is what ron barber has done. unfortunately, with mr. kelly he has taken most positions on both sides of either issue. he says he wants to privatize social security and he wants to protect social security. i don't know that you can do both. >> shannon: all right, we appreciate your time today and again we will be watching
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june 12 in the special election. >> thanks for having me. >> shannon: we are getting word as you know right now the nato summit is being held in chicago and there are some problems with the city of chicago's website. there are some who are speculating it may be under cyber attack but here is what we are hearing from the mayor's office from rahm emanuel. says "we are aware of the issue with the city's website and are working with federal authorities to address the situation." that comes from a spokesperson in the mayor's office. the fbi cyber crimes division is involved. we will keep you update. >> new video coming in of the meeting between president obama and afghan president hamid karzai. just coming in the first video of their meeting this morning in chicago. as you know, some 61 nato nations are there in chicago to discuss a host of issues. no doubt afghanistan is going to be tops on that list as the u.s. and others begin a transition out of that country. and also you will recall with the election of france's new
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president who signaled and he ran on this message that he would withdraw france's troops and combat operations from that country. so now under discussion in chicago among the other nato nations how to continue operations, how they transition out and how they pay for continuing security forces there. again, this is the first video coming out of president obama and president hamid karzai meeting in chicago amidst the nato summit. there have been demonstrations leading up to the big meeting but protesters say you haven't seen anything yet. the latest on their plansion next. a party? [ music plays, record skips ] hi, i'm new ensure clear. clear, huh? my nutritional standards are high. i'm not juice or fancy water, i'm different. i've got nine grams of protein. twist my lid. that's three times more than me! twenty-one vitamins and minerals
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such reliance and all aspects of life that
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afghanistan. >> shannon: we are listening in to video just coming in. this is a meeting between afghan president hamid karzai and president obama this morning in chicago in addition to the nato summit. >> to make sure that we take steady and strong steps and while we are making those steps towards 2024 where afghanistan will be largely defending itself and providing for itself. mr. president, the partnership that we signed a few weeks ago in kabul has turned a new page in our relations and the new page is a page of two sovereign countries working together for the mutual interests of security and all other areas of
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concentration. and mr. president i'm bringing to you and to the people of the united states the gratitude of the afghan people for the support that your taxpayers money has provided over the past decade and for the difference that it has made to the well being of the afghan people. to our education and health and the building of the afghan government. mr. president, afghanistan is fully aware of the task ahead and of what afghanistan needs to do to reach the objectives that we all have of stable peaceful and self-reliant afghanistan. in the mine time, until then, thank you for your support. >> thank you. >> thank you guys.
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>> thank you. >> shannon: you have been listening on a meeting between president obama and afghan president hamid scar di car kae nato summit. we will bring you more from the nato summit, after the break.
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reuters is reporting that a u.s. military instructor has been shot and seriously wounded in an attack in yemen according to security forces there. the department of defense tells us the incident does not involve dod personnel. twoer who u.s. instructors photographing in the same car at the time apparently not hurt in the attack. they were reportedly there to train yemeni coast guard. we are following the story and as soon as we get any updates we will give them to you. peter doocy is surfing the web check out fox news .com
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with the most clicked stories of the day. four people killed in italy when an earthquake hit in the air lay morning hours. several older buildings damaged including some cracked roofs and cracked walls and seismologists say it is one of the strongest earthquakes to hit the region. facebook founder mark zuckerberg updated his relationship status to married yesterday. less than 100 guests attended the party who thought they were attending a party for the billionaire's now, wife med school graduation. she graduated just days before facebook became a publicly traded company and the couple has been together now for nine years. and i'll have another did have another win, that is. the kentucky derby honor are took the highest honors at yesterday's preakness. that means the triple crown is on the line at the belmont stakes in three weeks.
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there hasn't been a triple crown winner since 1978. read more about it and everything else on fox news .com. shannon? >> shannon: thank you very much for the update. after a bitter fight halftime year on both sides of capitol hill they are gearing up for another battle over raising the debt limit. mike emanuel explains. >> speaker john boehner signaled he is ready for a fight when washington will likely be forced to vote by the end of the year to increase the debt limit. >> when the time comes i will again insist on my simple principle of cut
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greg palkot joins us live on the phone with more. hello, greg. >> we are here in london and it is a big story here, of course. 1988 bombing of pan am 103 about over lockerbie scotland in which 270 people died remains the biggest terror attack to happen portfolio or on uk soil. but, of course, 189 of those 270 were american. that is why, of course, it as big deal that the lone person, the one person convicted of responsibility for this is dead. he had been suffering from cancer for awhile now. and it is his brother today who said today that in libya he died. we don't have formal confirmation of that. we were speaking to authorities here in the foreign office and in the scottish government so there is no hard confirmation but it is assumed it is, correct. he remained controversial to
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the very end. his release in 2009 was on quote unquote compassion ate grounds because he was going to be dieing in maybe as short a time as a couple of months. whawhen that didn't happen a lt of people criticized that. and criticized there might have been a quid pro quo to help the uk gain deals. finally as you say the victims' families in america have said well, in a way justice has been done that he has now passed away. many people here feel that he was in fact innocent. even families of the victims. they feel that he was is made a scapegoat and, of course, a lot of people do feel that he was just acting on behalf of the late and former leader of libya, momar ghadafi.
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we heard from prime minister cameron who is in fact now in chicago about to participate in the nato summit there. he himself said that his government did not think it was a good thing to transfer him out of that scottish jail where he had been held for several years. but he also said and i think that is what a lot of people think now this is not a time to think about all of the various machinations involved with his imprisonment and release. it is a time now to think of the families who lost their loved ones in that terrible attack in 1988. i spent a little time in lockerbie and talking to those involved on the ground shannon and a i can tell you the folks there still mourn as to, of course, all of the families back in the states. that is the latest i'm seeing now from this in london. back to you. >> shannon: after this we will check in on the latest efforts to bring about a cure for alzheimer's and talk to a man who has now devoted his life to
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making sure that happens here in the united states. wake up! that's good morning, veggie style. hmmm. fohalf the calories plus vgie nutrition. could've had a v8. olaf's pizza palace gets the most rewards of any small business credit card! pizza!!!!! [ garth ] olaf's small business earns 2% cash back on every purchase, every day! put it on my spark card! [ high-pitched ] nice doin' business with you! [ garth ] why settle for less? great businesses deserve the most rewards! awesome!!! [ male announcer ] the spark business card from capital one. choose unlimited rewards with 2% cash back or double miles on every purchase, every day!
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what's in your wallet?
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>> shannon: alzheimer's disease is a growing threat as the u.s. population continues to age. already more than 5 million americans have this devastating disease. now, the administration is tackling the problem and has set a target date for curing
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the disease, 2025. a lot of that has to do with the efforts of this man, george braedenberg, chairman of us against alzheimer's. thank you for joining us today. >> thank you for having me. >> shannon: tell us about what is underway and what can be accomplished. >> alzheimer's is a big challenge for america. one in three american families touched by this disease. a horrible disease. 8 to 10 years in duration. you lose your memory and ability to identify any family members and then lose capacity to perform any daily functions of daily life. costs $200 billion a year are to take care of alzheimer's victims today. 70% of that is medicare and medicaid. so what has happened is that we have set a national goal now of preventing and effectively treating the disease by 2025. we have set off on a new
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scientific course with a new trial to try and prevent the disease before symptoms appear. we are off as america does well, set a big problem in front of us and we will go after it with a big goal, a big challenge. a bipartisan effort. president regan had this disease. sergeant schreiber had this disease. the bill that requires this national plan just issued this past week was passed unanimously by congress. it is an all american challenge, an all american goal, an all american path forward. >> shannon: and nice to see something that the two sides of the aisle can agree on. i know you have been successful in pulling together people from both major partys. >> that is absolutely right. this is as i say a bipartisan disease. it can strike a president, a post mapp, all classes, all colors. stunningly, two thirds of the victims are women. the incidence of the disease is twice as high among african americans than among whites. one and a half times for
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hispanic americans. a disease that not only hits everyone, it also hits women particularly hard and minor minorities particularly hard. this is an all american problem and it will be an all american solution. >> shannon: george braeden berg chairman of us against alzheimer's. now, working to the problem that we all benefit as research and cures are found. thank you very much for your time and all your work on this. >> thank you for having me, shannon. >> shannon: we are slammed at all times with commercial advertisements. almost 24/7. but now make it even worse. advertisers want to pitch to you while you are actually in the process of grocery shopping. has it gone too far? we'll look at it, right after the break. ok! who gets occasional constipation,
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diarrhea, gas or bloating? get ahead of it! one phillips' colon health probiotic cap a day helps defend against digestive issues with three strains of good bacteria. hit me! [ female announcer ] live the regular life. phillips'.
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born to leap, born to stalk, and born to pounce. to understand why, we journeyed to africa, where their wild ancestor was born. there we discovered that cats, no matter where they are... are born toe cats. and shouldn't your cat be who he was born to be? discover your cat's true nature. purina one. [ crowd chatters and groans ] ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] hunger getting to you? grab a ritz crackerfuls. made with real cheese and whole grain, it'll help keep you satisfied until your next meal. get hunger before it gets you.
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>> shannon: a battle over abortion is playing out on capitol hill but this isn't about a national law. it is about setting limits right here in washington, d.c. a bill was introduced that would ban abortion in the nation's capital after 20 weeks except to save the mother's life. the debate has sparked a major showdown over how much control congress has over laws in the district. the bill's sponsor arizona republican congressman trent franks was supposed to join us. his flight has been delayed so he will not be here. joining us, d.c. congress woman eleanor holmes. she was not allowed to testify at the hearing this week so we will talk to her about that as
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well. thank you for joining us. ithere was a hearing on the bill. for folks who may not know why does congress have so much control over policy and what happens in the district of columbia? >> the congress does have control over the district of columbia under the constitution. except congress delegated virtually almost all of that control almost 40 years ago only for such enumber rated issues. we can't impose a user tax on neighbors or change the height act but reproductive choice was not one of the exceptions. >> shannon: there is a hearing that would limit abortions to prior to 20 weeks. they say that fetuses can then experience pain. >> were you more upset the fact that you weren't allowed to testify? >> i oppose the bill itself. and the weighted opinion of the journal of the american medical association has a compendium of
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all of the science. the earliest according to the compendium by the royal academy of obstetricians and gynecologists is 29 weeks and many say late into the third trimess teresa payton. suppose itrimester. this is supposed to be a matter of principle. why would a representative address a bill. if pain is an issue we not apply to the whole united states. and why keep her and her alone from testifying. he is said to be said that it was the rule. and it may have been the rules but the rule could have been easily waived since the bill only applies to my district. if it were to go to the floor i could not even vote on the bill
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because i don't have a final vote on the house floor. there is no sense of democracy or decency or standards in introducing a bill that applies only to my district in the first place and then keeping me from testifying about the bill at all. >> shannon: we going to try to get congressman franks to weigh on this as well. we thank you for your time and view point on this bill. thank you. television ads may soon be coming to tiny screens in the grocery aisles. a new tactic that is going to be effective or are consumers going to be irritate. >> new lcd screens displacing advertisements have customers try are to lure in customers just before they make a purchase. critics wonder if the new technology will bomb board consumers and instead turn them off. research shows a point of purpose consumer marketing in stores is big business. companies spend an estimated
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$18.3 billion in 2011. ams says the 3 gtv screens are more consumer friendly than traditional marketing tools. >> it creates the opportunity to take the information in without the action of picking up the flyer, walking down the aisle and reading it, to really it kind of a passive and active element to it. while you are shopping you are taking it in along with the other messaging and branding that is part and parcel of the packaging themselves. >> they wrapped up a six month field study in virginia. the ceo says several brands saw a rise in profit over the stores that did not have the technology. bloom, however, opted out and decided not to continue their trial. shannon, back to you. >> shannon: thank you very much. that is it for us here in washington. "fox news sunday" is next. before we go, our twitter question today. legislation propos proposed toy weddings from happening on
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military bases. mark tweets us this. chapels are churches i.e. religious sects. if the church agrees then, yes. victor tweets social decisions of this magnitude shouldn't be dictated by government. the vote should be taken within the military to decide the matter. we heard from a lot of military folks and the vast majority were not for allowing these services on base. thank you for joining us on america's news headquarters. "fox news sunday" is next. captioned by closed captioning services, inc. >> chris: i'm chris wallace. the key issue in the lac race r the white house. getting america back to work. and both sides are hitting it hard. we will have a debate over the obama and romney records on jobs. and their ideas to get the country back on track. republican house budget chair paul ryan faces off


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